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If you are reading this, you have just purchased your ACTIVE personal electro stimulation device, or you are thinking of doing so ?

With global electro stimulation we will achieve, through small electrical impulses generated by ACTIVE, a fibrillar activation superior to any conventional training and without joint load.

Much more volume of work in less time and with a level of intensity higher than any training.

The training can be whatever you want depending on what you like and/or what you need.
To keep in mind: err on the side of prudence and do a progressive program depending on your state of fitness.

Electro stimulation will activate muscle fibers that we have surely never activated. The feeling that we will have at the beginning will be bearable and even pleasant, and it will invite us to spend more time than we really need.

How to start training with global electrostimulation?

On the first day, we recommend not doing more than 12 minutes, drinking a liter and a half more water than usual daily, and resting as much as possible. It would be fine from the third day after training with ACTIVE to walk for at least 30 minutes.

The next 3 weeks increase training time by 3 minutes each week.

From the fifth training session with ACTIVE we will be ready to finish the 30 minutes that the program proposes.

As long as we are not a special case due to any circumstance.

Still in doubt?

Remember that you can send us any questions you have about electro stimulation or training, rehabilitation, etc. Our team will help you solve them with pleasure.

We are going to remind you that on our website you will find, on the FAQ page, the contra-indications for which the use of electro stimulation is not generically indicated.

In the cases that are detailed, you should consult your doctor, who will be the person who can authorize you to perform electrostimulation depending on the pathologies and with the necessary precautions.

Remind you that you can follow us on social networks instagram, facebook and our YouTube channel where you will find: different training sessions, information and weekly gatherings to share experiences and information with all of you.

Welcome to our community!


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